Otematata's Weather Monitoring Station, Waitaki Valley, New Zealand

Current Weather Conditions
Temperature+8.6 °C and Falling
Humidity66 % and Rising
Barometer1019 hPa and Steady
Wind Chill+8.6 °C
Dew Point+2.6 °C and Falling
Heat Indexn.a.
Wind Speed (gust)Calm and Steady
Wind Speed (average 10 minutes)Calm (Maximum 0 km/h in last 10 mins)
Wind Direction (gust)323° (NW) North West
Wind Direction (average 10 minutes)323° (NW) North West
Rainfall Rate0 mm/hour
Rainfall (Hourly)0 mm in the last hour
Rainfall0 mm since Midnight
Days Since Last Rainfall25 days (last daily rainfall 17 mm)
Wet Bulb Temperature+6 °C
Wet Bulb Depression+2.6 °C
Est. base height of Cu cloud750 meters. (2460 feet)
Weather Station Elevation296 meters. (971 feet)
Forecast (According to WX station)Cloudy
Current Guage Readings
Temperature Wind Humidity
Rainfall Barometer Cloudbase
Last 24-Hour Charts

Humidity Pressure Windspeed
Today's Extremes (Since Midnight)
Maximum Temperature+13.3 °C at 14:32
Minimum Temperature+6.2 °C at 00:59
Maximum Humidity76 % at 10:13
Minimum Humidity61 % at 15:47
Maximum Wind (gust)10.1 km/h, 278° at 03:49 (6.3 MPH)
Maximum Barometric Pressure1022 hPa at 11:35
Minimum Barometric Pressure1019 hPa at 18:05
Maximum Dew Point+7.2 °C at 14:04
Minimum Dew Point+1.4 °C at 06:20
Minimum Wind Chill+6.2 °C at 00:59
Maximum Heat Index- No Valid Data -
Maximum Rainfall Rate nil
Rainfall Since Midnight0 mm
Yesterday's Extremes (24-Hours Prior to Midnight)
Maximum Temperature+11.2 °C at 15:06
Minimum Temperature+5.1 °C at 22:33
Maximum Humidity76 % at 23:05
Minimum Humidity55 % at 13:12
Maximum Wind (gust)9.4 km/h, 45° at 21:33 (5.8 MPH)
Maximum Barometric Pressure1023 hPa at 10:05
Minimum Barometric Pressure1020 hPa at 17:35
Maximum Dew Point+5.2 °C
Minimum Dew Point+0.4 °C
Minimum Wind Chill+5.1 °C
Maximum Heat Index- No Valid Data -
Maximum Rainfall Rate nil
Rainfall Last 24 Hours0 mm
Yearly Extremes
Extreme High Temperature+33.5 °C at 14:50 on 08 January 2024
Extreme Low Temperature-4.3 °C at 07:25 on 12 June 2024
Extreme High Humidity96 % at 10:49 on 21 July 2024
Extreme Low Humidity16 % at 15:58 on 10 March 2024
Maximum Wind Speed57.2 km/h, 325° at 08:10 on 01 June 2024
Accumulated Rainfall (Year to date)142 mm of rain since 00:00 on 01 January 2024
Extreme High Temperature+36.4 °C at 16:18 on 04 February 2023
Extreme Low Temperature-5.6 °C at 08:26 on 22 July 2023
Extreme High Humidity100 % at 07:50 on 22 September 2023
Extreme Low Humidity17 % at 15:09 on 11 December 2023
Maximum Wind Speed64.1 km/h, 188° at 18:10 on 02 October 2023
Accumulated Rainfall312 mm total rainfall for 2023
Extreme High Temperature+35.1 °C at 15:47 on 28 December 2022
Extreme Low Temperature-4.3 °C at 07:25 on 11 July 2022
Extreme High Humidity100 % at 04:00 on 18 December 2022
Extreme Low Humidity14 % at 17:25 on 29 January 2022
Maximum Wind Speed46.8 km/h, 290° at 08:13 on 24 August 2022
Accumulated Rainfall563 mm total rainfall for 2022
Extreme High Temperature+34.2 °C at 15:59 on 19 February 2021
Extreme Low Temperature-3.6 °C at 05:53 on 12 July 2021
Extreme High Humidity100 % at 03:15 on 28 December 2021
Extreme Low Humidity16 % at 16:18 on 14 March 2021
Maximum Wind Speed66.2 km/h, 308° at 14:56 on 04 April 2021
Accumulated Rainfall395 mm total rainfall for 2021
Extreme High Temperature+35 °C at 15:16 on 17 February 2020
Extreme Low Temperature-4 °C at 06:38 on 16 August 2020
Extreme High Humidity100 % at 08:42 on 20 October 2020
Extreme Low Humidity15 % at 14:41 on 16 December 2020
Maximum Wind Speed61.9 km/h, 305° at 13:38 on 16 September 2020
Accumulated Rainfall293 mm total rainfall for 2020
Extreme High Temperature+37.5 °C at 15:30 on 31 January 2019
Extreme Low Temperature-3.4 °C at 04:49 on 10 September 2019
Extreme High Humidity100 % at 05:53 on 03 December 2019
Extreme Low Humidity12 % at 17:31 on 04 February 2019
Maximum Wind Speed54.4 km/h, 174° at 18:08 on 23 January 2019
Accumulated Rainfall360 mm total rainfall for 2019
Extreme High Temperature+36.8 °C at 15:54 on 30 January 2018
Extreme Low Temperature-3.9 °C at 03:17 on 30 May 2018
Extreme High Humidity100 % at 10:16 on 04 December 2018
Extreme Low Humidity15 % at 16:08 on 30 January 2018
Maximum Wind Speed45.7 km/h, 211° at 17:30 on 18 November 2018
Accumulated Rainfall482 mm total rainfall for 2018
Extreme High Temperature+33 °C at 15:26 on 20 February 2017
Extreme Low Temperature-4.5 °C at 07:43 on 04 August 2017
Extreme High Humidity100 % at 08:14 on 13 December 2017
Extreme Low Humidity18 % at 16:24 on 04 December 2017
Maximum Wind Speed58 km/h, 213° at 18:58 on 19 December 2017
Accumulated Rainfall345 mm total rainfall for 2017
Extreme High Temperature+35.9 °C at 17:46 on 03 February 2016
Extreme Low Temperature-6 °C at 09:20 on 30 June 2016
Extreme High Humidity100 % at 08:28 on 08 December 2016
Extreme Low Humidity10 % at 09:20 on 30 June 2016
Maximum Wind Speed55.8 km/h, 215° at 18:26 on 28 October 2016
Accumulated Rainfall372 mm total rainfall for 2016
Extreme High Temperature+34.9 °C at 17:52 on 04 January 2015
Extreme Low Temperature-8.5 °C at 09:34 on 24 June 2015
Extreme High Humidity100 % at 07:52 on 17 December 2015
Extreme Low Humidity13 % at 19:19 on 10 January 2015
Maximum Wind Speed56.5 km/h, 309° at 16:30 on 21 October 2015
Accumulated Rainfall275 mm total rainfall for 2015
Extreme High Temperature+35.7 °C at 16:05 on 20 February 2014
Extreme Low Temperature-3.4 °C at 08:40 on 27 May 2014
Extreme High Humidity100 % at 07:45 on 22 December 2014
Extreme Low Humidity14 % at 15:42 on 04 February 2014
Maximum Wind Speed57.2 km/h, 249° at 21:30 on 14 August 2014
Accumulated Rainfall361 mm total rainfall for 2014
Extreme High Temperature+37.3 °C at 17:57 on 05 January 2013
Extreme Low Temperature-4.6 °C at 05:51 on 12 July 2013
Extreme High Humidity100 % at 08:16 on 24 December 2013
Extreme Low Humidity14 % at 18:59 on 28 February 2013
Maximum Wind Speed51.1 km/h, 290° at 07:47 on 02 July 2013
Accumulated Rainfall427 mm total rainfall for 2013
Extreme High Temperature+33.9 °C at 14:57 on 25 December 2012
Extreme Low Temperature-6.7 °C at 06:21 on 30 June 2012
Extreme High Humidity100 % at 07:56 on 29 December 2012
Extreme Low Humidity10 % at 07:35 on 13 September 2012
Maximum Wind Speed53.6 km/h, 282° at 15:52 on 14 December 2012
Accumulated Rainfall470 mm total rainfall for 2012
Extreme High Temperature+35.7 °C at 16:45 on 06 February 2011
Extreme Low Temperature-4.7 °C 23.5 °F at 08:35 on 26 July
Extreme High Humidity100 % at 07:39 on 26 December 2011
Extreme Low Humidity18 % at 17:00 on 02 February 2011
Maximum Wind Speed53.6 km/h, 280 ° at 08:47 on 07 August 2011
Accumulated Rainfall431 mm total rainfall for 2011
Sun and Moon Information
Day Length9 h 28 m, visible 10 h 33 m (civil twilight)
Solar Noon12:45:44
Sunrise 08:01:07 (08:00:05 tomorrow)
Sunset 17:30:48 (17:31:49 tomorrow)
Moonrise-- (00:44 tomorrow)
Moonset10:54 (11:16 tomorrow)
Previous Full Moon21 July 2024 22:18
Next Full Moon20 August 2024 06:26
Moon Illumination59%
Moon phaseWaning Gibbous
Daily 3pm Reading Record
Snapshot taken at 3pm on July 27, 2024
+13 °C
+55.4 °F
63 %
was falling
1019 hPa
was steady
Wind Speed
0 km/h
max last 10 mins
Wind Direction
323° (NW)
North West
Wind Run (24 hours)
3.492 Kilometers
Max Rain Rate
Rainfall to 3pm
0 mm
since midnight
Weather Station Location